Since the beginning of recorded history the valley has served as metaphor for the exploration of the psyche. The idea of descending into the “valley of shadows” echoes the metaphysical descent into ones subconscious mind and is permanently imprinted on the human collective unconscious. We instinctively fear the leviathans that inhabit the darkest recesses of our minds, yet we are drawn to them by unseen forces just as we are drawn by the unseen force of gravity from the safe mountain peaks of reality into the depths of the valley. Accentuating the camera's finest attribute of being able to capture an instant of time in space I watch for that window of magic skirting the edge of light and shadow that will allow me a moments glimpse into a larger reality.
We are all explorers of realities both visible and invisible. In this era of information superhighways and political correctness there are still realms of wonder available to the adventurer just beyond the city limits of everyday reality.
Technique: Single image capture